How it began


“What’s the point of running?” “I don’t know how you can do it.”

These are some comments I repeatedly hear over the years. Some days I don’t know how I do it either, I just lace up, mind prep, fuel properly, lace up, and go!

It all started 15 years ago, when my then supervisor had suggested we go for a run during lunch. At that time I was kicking out smoking (yes, a terrible habit I had for about 6-7 years) and start being way healthier. She saw my desire to get healthy, and since she was a part-time instructor at the gym across the street from us, she talked me into doing her lunchtime spin classes. After the first one, I was hooked! A few weeks later we went for that suggested run through Golden Gate Park, and I’ve been running ever since.

With my addiction to spin, my quads grew where I couldn’t pull my jeans up so I started to taper off into running two to three times a week during lunch instead. Running was different, plus with the park was so close by, it’d be a shame that I didn’t take advantage of it. Fresh air, beautiful backdrop, and my breathe to pace me was all I needed. I started off real slow, I have no idea what my pace was back then, maybe 10:30-ish??? All she told me was just to finish, and that I did! Although, it was only a mere 3 miles, it was a solid beginning.

After time I learned to increase my distance, pace, and breathe properly.

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